In that 5 hours of work, you were being real nitpicky about getting the 3D audio to behave a certain way. What plugins you are using on what tracks, volume balance of everything, and of course, panning. By this time, you have made all kinds of decisions in the project. Let me paint you a picture: You are working on a project, you get carried away with it and end up working on it non-stop for 5 hours. This feature has saved me so many times I don’t know what I would do without it now. Probably the most useful feature added to Neundo in this version is Mix Console History – the ability to undo pretty much ANYTHING you do in the mix console. So now I can have the vocal double track a little under the main vocal track to add more body and width to the vocals and the harmonies are perfectly in sync with each other, making it sound a lot more polished. With Automatic Audio Alignment in Nuendo 8, I was able to easily to get them all to correctly time align with the main vocal track. Chances are, those tracks are not going to be aligned with each other very well. This is extremely useful if you have, for example, a song and a bunch of vocal tracks, like harmonies, or even doubles.
Steinberg nuendo 8 free#
Being able to quickly process tracks and free up CPU will be valuable to most people working on bigger projects.Īnother one of my favorite new features in Nuendo 8 is Automatic Audio Alignment, which lets you set a track as a reference for other tracks to copy the timing off of.

It’s one of my favorite features in Nuendo 8, as projects tend to get massive and require a LOT of CPU power.
Steinberg nuendo 8 Offline#
This process is non-destructive, in that you can “un-print” the processing from any of the audio clips at any time from the Direct Offline Processing menu. The advantage to this is that it lets you apply heavy chains of processing to a track without the CPU load that comes with it. What this does is apply that processing to the audio files almost like its printed on the track. This is really cool – it lets you apply audio processing, either from Nuendo itself or a plugin, directly to audio clips selected in your project. Nuendo 8, just like Cubase 9.5, has the same Direct Offline Processing feature. Nuendo does help make the naming convention a little easier by letting you import a CSV file that with all that information pre-loaded. I personally used the Unity game engine to test with Nuendo and working between both software, I did not face much trouble at all. It doesn’t seem like it would be a problem for most people, but especially when you are working on a game, your naming convention has to be the same in Nuendo as it is in whatever game engine or middleware you are using. Version 8 brings Game Audio Connet 2 which connects to Wwise and lets you transfer your composition, including audio and MIDI tracks, giving you a lot more flexibility with middleware integration.Ī cool quality-of-life change in Nuendo 8 is the ability to rename events from a list window. For example, when you place a sound to the left in the sphere, if the user turned their head 180 degrees, they would now be hearing the sound in their right ear instead and you can hear the sound smoothly changing from one side to the other as you would expect. You can place the sound anywhere in that sphere, and in conjunction with head tracking, that sphere moves and changes in 3D. Ambisonics basically lets you place sound in a sphere around the VR user. If you are working in Virtual Reality, especially in games, Ambisonics Support and Headtracking are going to help you take your audio to the next level.
Steinberg nuendo 8 pro#
Nuendo 8.3 saw the release of a bunch of tools geared towards Virtual Reality like Ambisonics Support, Headtracking, Go Pro VR player and support for VR related plugins like Facebook 360. What I will do is talk about the features I felt were most significant to me in my time using Nuendo 8. There are so many new features included, especially with the release of 8.3, that I won’t be able to go in depth about every single one. In this review, I will be focusing on what version 8 brings to the table, and if Steinberg manages to cater to each industry’s needs. Where Nuendo differs are some very key areas concerning video games, film, and TV. In fact, you can even open Cubase projects in Nuendo with 100% compatibility. Nuendo has, essentially, the same exact audio engine as Cubase. Nuendo should look very familiar to you if you are a Cubase user. Hey there Gear Mortals, today I’m going to be taking a look at Nuendo 8 by Steinberg!