“Oh? And what kind of information do you need may I ask?” I-I- I came here for information and I heard you were the best person to come to.” So how may I be of serves to you? Do you need a coffin for a departure love one or would you like me to fix them up for you so they would look beautiful again to be berry.” The strange man smiles widely at you. As you saw the tall man you thought he looks strange but handsome at the same time. You turn around and saw a man come out of one of the coffins that was against the wall. “My, my, this is rare to see a young lady all by herself entering my funeral parlor.” You jump franticly as you heard a voice. Once you were inside you quietly close the door behind you and saw it is really dark in the inside. I’m so happy I ran into that boy.” You said smiling to yourself as you look up at the place and read the large sign that is above the entrence of the door “Undertaker.” Without another second you slowly open the door and let yourself in. You took a left down the street and in the front of the place are large coffins that are line up next to each other. “Thank you so much, kind boy.” And without saying another word to him or the man you start to run to the street happily. “Well, if you take a left down this street you’ll find it and you can’t miss it because in the front are large coffins line up next to each other.” The boy points with his finger the street you should take. “Yes, I was but I think I’m going to give up looking for it now and just go home.” You told the boy sadly. “By any chance are you looking for that address?” he said as he hands you back the piece of paper. “Oh, thank you.” you walk back towards the boy and the man that was accompanying him. Have a nice day.” Then you walk away again but before you could walk any further away you here the boy’s voice “Wait you drop this.” You turn around and saw the boy picks up the piece of paper you drop early when you bump into him. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” you said sadly and start to walk away but turn around once more and said “Again I deeply do apologize.
My young master does not know yet how to be polite to a young lady like yourself.” The man bows to you in apologize for his master. This clumsy girl over here just wasn’t watching where she was going is all.” He said angrily as he dust himself off. “Young master are you alright?” The man helps the boy up on his feet. But coming from behind the boy stood a handsome man with black raven hair. “My apologize young boy!” You get up on you feet immediately “Are you alright?”And offer your hand to the boy to help him up on his feet. You lift up your head to see who you just bump into and you saw it was a rich looking boy with an eye-patch that covers his left eye. “OW!” the both of you said at the same time. After asking so many people you decided to give up and just go home.Īs you were walking back home with your head down in disappointment you accidently bump in to someone forcefully making the both of you fall down on the ground. After asking an old man, a young lady, a group of children, and even more people after them they all told you the same thing they had no clue of the direction or place you were taking about. “Where is it?” you look around the streets of London holding a piece of paper that has an address on it.Īfter a whole hour of walking around trying to find the place you were looking for you finally decided to ask someone for directions.